Residential Appraisals

A residential appraisal estimates the market value of a property as of a specific date and is typically completed on a industry standard form report. The appraisal normally includes a description of the property based on the interior and exterior inspection, an analysis of market conditions and comparable sales, as well as maps, bylaw information and photographs of the property. The scope of the analysis can vary depending on the property type and purpose of the appraisal.


A typical commercial appraisal is a narrative report that includes a detailed description of the property, the land use controls governing its use and development, a Highest and Best Use analysis and a detailed valuation. The valuation section typically includes one or more of the basic approaches to value  – the Cost Approach, the Income Approach and the Direct Comparison Approach. The applicability of which depend on the type of property and nature of the assignment.


An insurance appraisal is a replacement cost analysis which provides an accurate estimate of the amount of insurance required to replace each structure and/or amenity to current building codes and standards. These values are provided to assist you in determining the amount of insurance needed for each structure and/or amenity on the property.